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Event Details
The Bozeman Splitfest began as a small gathering in 2017 and has grown every year since. It is attended by hundreds of splitboarders from Montana and beyond every winter, as well as by many top splitboard brands! You'll find that loads of different people come to this event. Whether you're a beginner who hasn't hit the skin track yet, an intermediate looking to meet new splitboard partners, an advanced rider who wants to try the latest gear, or a veteran just looking to hang out and swap stories, there is something for everyone at the Bozeman Splitfest!
- Sharpen Skills in Clinics
- Learn about Safety
- Demo Gear
- Join the Raffle
- Talk Terrain
This event is not hosted by the Gallatin County Fairgrounds but rather by an independent Event Organizer renting facilities at the Fairgrounds. The views expressed during this event are solely that of the Event Organization and do not necessarily reflect that of the Gallatin County Commissioners or Fairgrounds.